Me and pearls: A story that became “The Empress Collection”

Me and Pearls: A Story That Became The Empress Collection

Pearls have been in fashion for centuries, from royal crowns and ceremonial garb to contemporary red carpet looks. They can be categorized as timeless jewels and have transcended fashion trends and have always been in vogue, making them suitable for both vintage and modern looks. This is why I personally recommend having at least a single string of pearls in your jewelry wardrobe. It’s a must have !!

My love for pearls started from my grandmothers dusty old jewelry box filled with vintage treasures, where I found my first strings of lustrous pearls. This also accounts as my childhood discovery that sparked my interest in creating jewelry. There’s something magical about pearls. They are natural, unpretentious in their raw form and yet incredibly luxurious. Click here to find my very own creations with pearls.

There's a story behind every pearl, whispers that tell tales of resilience, each pearl a testament to the oyster's perseverance in creating something beautiful from a grain of irritation.

This very essence of transformation and empowerment is what fueled my latest collection – The Empress Collection Imagine a powerful woman, a leader who walks with grace and confidence. The Empress Collection embodies that spirit. Each piece is designed to make you feel regal, to celebrate your inner strength and inspire you to embrace your own unique kind of power.

The name, The Empress Collection, holds a special place in my heart. It's a tribute to my grandmother, a woman who exuded quiet strength and unwavering love. She wasn't royalty by title, but in my eyes, she was an empress in her own right. The pearls she wore weren't expensive, but they held a story – a story of resilience and unwavering love, a story that continues to inspire me to this day.

With The Empress Collection, I hope to share a piece of that story with you. These pearls are more than just ornaments; they are whispers of empowerment, a testament to your inner strength, and a reminder that you, too, can embrace your own regal spirit.

Go grab yours and be your own muse !!

If you are starting out and do not know what to choose, go the classic way of choosing a single string. And to make things easier for you, use BLOG15 at checkout to get a 15% off on your first pearl purchase. 

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